
We are happy you are interested in booking our venue for your event!


Before you fill out the form below, we politely ask that you read through our Booking Information Pack so that you’re aware of everything you need to know about booking our venue.


Once you’ve read the pack, please fill out our booking form below with as much detail as possible; it makes the whole process easier and helps us to help you.

— please fill out our booking form below —

Note: bouncy castles, glitter and bubbles cannot be used here as explained in the booking conditions.

Please Bear With Us...

We are a team of volunteers and manage the village hall bookings alongside our other commitments. We aim to get back to you within two working days. Please do not ring after 6pm.

Thank you for your booking enquiry.

Please bear with us, we are a team of volunteers and manage the village hall bookings alongside our other commitments. We aim to get back to you within two working days.